Beneath the bustling streets of modern Seattle lies a hidden time capsule—a remnant of the city’s past known as the Seattle Underground. This eerie and fascinating subterranean world reveals an older Seattle, now shrouded in dust, rats, and tales of restless spirits. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘Tours’
Hello Ducky in London
Most people take the double decker bus, a taxi or even a river cruise to see London, but now there is a new way aboard the London Duck. The London Duck is a former military vehicle which not only cruises the streets of London it also takes to the water. This amazing amphibious vehicle was used in the World War Two D-Day landings and has been transformed into one of the city’s most fun and informative city tours. The 75 minute tour takes visitors past many of the city’s best sights on the street, then drives into the mighty Thames and shows people a completely different aspect of the city from the water. Ther commentary is another attraction- some very interesting attempts at stand up comedy, you won’t know whether to cringe or laugh, know what I mean governor? you get the drift. Make sure you book in advance because this is a very popular tour and one you wouldn’t want to miss on a visit to London.