Today, it is often hard to imagine the extent of destruction suffered by some European cities during World War II. While most cities and towns were quickly rebuilt after the war, one village has been preserved as a memorial to the victims who once lived there. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘France’
Le corkscrew museum du France
We all know the French like their cheese, snails, garlic, frogs legs and of course wine, so it’s no wonder they have a Corkscrew Museum. The Musée du Tire-Bouchon has over 1000 exhibits with some dating back to the 17th century. No one really knows where the corkscrew originated but is believed it may be English dating back to the end of the 17th century. Back then they were very simple not like the ones we have today, some nearly needing an engineering degree to work. The Corkscrew museum is part of the Domaine De La Citadelle estate who make a lovely selection of wines including the La Chataigneier and Les Artemes which uses old vine grapes from the lovely southern Rhone Valley, so its well worth a visit to the vineyard when you visit the corkscrew museum.
Mount Saint Michel
Mount Saint Michel is one of the most spectacular buildings you will ever see. Built on a rocky tidal mountain in Normandy France this UNESCO World Heritage Site is an amazing architectural feat dating back centuries. The inhabitants of the mount were called the Montois, and the buildings were primarily used as a monastery and later a prison throughout its rich history. One interesting piece of trivia, the Mount is said to be the inspiration for the design of Minas Tirith in recent film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Read the rest of this entry »